The Damascus Lions Club, a local organization founded in 1946, is one of over 46,000 Lions Clubs worldwide. You will find the Damascus Lions working in the community in many capacities. Perhaps they will be at the Senior Center, volunteering at the Community Fair or cleaning up the highways. They assist youth with scholarships for higher education and sponsorships in the recreation area. Damascus Lions also have a medical loan closet to meet community medical equipment needs and conduct blood drives to complement the Blood Banks. The Lions motto is “We Serve”
Sight and Hearing are our focus. We are fortunate to have Johns Hopkins close by who are known as the best in the country for eye and ear situations. The Damascus Lions perform Preschool Vision Screening in the community as well as adult sight and hearing assessments and glaucoma testing.
Lions International recently celebrated 90 years of service and is the largest service organization worldwide with 1.4 million members in over 300 countries and geographic areas working together to their community and worldwide needs.
The Lions International SightFirst II project’s goal is to eradicate river blindness and prevent blindness throughout the world.
To find out more about the Damascus Lions and their community involvement, contact us.