By Lion Mary Frances Gosnell
Thanks to some 17 Lions who helped with the Popcorn Outreach at the Damascus Community Fair. The weather was great except for Saturday morning when we had some much needed rain. It didn’t seem to deter the attendance though – they just braved the rain with their rain gear!
The exhibits were beautiful. Young and old took the time to bring their creations whether it be crafts, sewing, needlework, baking, canning, woodworking, gardening, art work, photography, flowers, farm crops, goats, sheep, eggs, pigs, cows or beef cattle – all were exhibited. Winning ribbons were in abundance.
The popcorn permeated the air the entire weekend, giving away over 2200 bags to fairgoers. That would equate to approximately 80-90 pounds of popcorn ker-nels. With the schools, day cares, home schooled and the elder cares, we did about 250 bags. At times, it was a chore to keep up with the demand. We popped and bagged popcorn ahead thinking we could stay abreast of the demand but it would catch up with us quite quickly when the crowds would appear for a certain event. The kettle was smoking!
Three Lions came for most of the three days – Joy and Warren Schwab and Chris Fletcher. Lions who came for two different shifts were – Tom Jackson, Ken Phillips and Sandy Gill. Lions who helped for 4 hours or so were Ann Davis, George Hibbard, Marcia Hol-puch, Sue Suddath, Dale Ryan, Fran Burlas, Julie Sain, John Washington and Del Mayhew. Lion Ray Moles-worth did the moving in and out of the equipment and supplies. Many Lions helped with other facets of the fair as well.
Lion Chris talked to several fair goers about what Lions is all about. Several fair goers inquired about drop off locations for hearing aids and eye glasses. One person asked about certain medical equipment that she would like to donate and we referred her to Lion Tess. A few asked about the blood drive and marked their calendar for the Pancake Breakfast as well.
Thanks to all the Lions who gave of their time to represent our club at this community event. Our out-reach left the Damascus Community with a sense of Lionism – We Serve!