What a beautiful day to be a Damascus Lion and to be involved with ice cream dipping at the dairy barn.
A great time was had by all dipping ice cream at the Montgomery County agricultural fair on Tuesday, August 16, 2011. Everyone did an outstanding job. We all worked very hard. We had only 45 volunteers who worked over 250 hours. This again was a smaller work force from the previous year. We only had 14 Lions work this day. The rest of the work force was made up of the Rocky Hill Middle School Leos Club, the Damascus High School Leos Club, friends and family. Thank you so much!!! Lion Gary Rogers from the Damascus Club ran the ice cream parlor again this year. He did a great job. This will be his last year. He will be stepping down after 6 years of service.
There are a few other people I would like to thank for making the ice cream dipping go smoothly: Lions Tony and Barbara Barry for stocking the freezers on Thursday night, along with their son, John; past Lion, Marvin Myers, for all his help.
It was a record year all around. The clubs combined collected over $60,000 and we collected $9,000 on our day. It was especially nice to see some of our members just come and hang out that day.
It is estimated that our lions club will bring in some where around $1,900.00 for our single day at the fair. What a great job we all did!!! Thank you for your continued support and your large portions.
Mark on your calendars Tuesday, August 14, 2012 this is next years ice cream dipping.