On July 8 Lions Julie Sain, Chris Fletcher, and Barbara Barry attended a Senior Appreciation Gala sponsored by the Gaithersburg & Silver Spring Visiting Angels honoring Lion Martin Carr.
Lion Julie nominated Martin Carr for the Lifetime Achievement Award and here’s what she wrote: “Martin has been an active member of the Damascus Lions for several years and can always be counted on to help with our many projects. He has collected money for the blind during our White Cane drives; helped collect, sort and deliver food and presents for our Christmas baskets; and picked up trash along our assigned roadway.
However, his loyalty as a Lion does not begin to demonstrate the lengths to which Martin has gone to help his fellow man. For many years, Martin has gone on mission projects in this country and all over the world. He has used his considerable skill as a master carpenter to refurbish homes, churches, community centers, and orphanages. He has built handicap ramps, decks, porches, and replaced roofs during his participation in 68 mission trips in 9 countries and the U.S. In the United States alone, he has worked once on the Hopi reservation in the southwest, and he has traveled to Garrett County in Maryland 30 times to help improve the quality of living of the people there. And he is planning on returning to Garrett County this summer.
With the exception of his son and grandchildren, I think it would be safe to say no one in Martin’s church or the Lions Club or any of his friends has any idea of the extent of Martin’s service to his fellow man. During his 84 years, Martin has spent most of his time and talents helping others and caring for others with little or no recognition for himself. It is for the reasons mentioned above, that I am truly honored to nominate Martin Carr for the Visiting Angels’ Lifetime Achievement Award.”