Although ticket sales were a bit short from previous years, the bottom line shows that the players not only supported us with their attendance but with sharing their dollars as well. The evening was one that was kept in order by our favorite caller, Ronnie Watkins. The sales of extra games, Specials and Raffles were exceptional. Lion Warren treated the ticket holders with a free game for bringing in a pair of glasses. He collected 105 pairs. Lion Pattu would not let up until the last minute with the 50/50 bringing in a net of $150. And Lions Bob and Rusty walked the floor selling other games. I could go on and on with Lions who helped either or both nights to make the evening go smoothly. The out pouring of help from Lions, family and friends was so much appreciated. I overheard the “Lion Gals” saying that they really appreciated not having to lug those heavy tables and chairs this year. Over half of the baskets were sponsored by Lions and all but two of the baskets were filled by Lions donations.
We sold 116 tickets, and awarded a total of 45 baskets or pottery during the evening. Our profit, although we didn’t meet budget, will be $ 4,000.
A huge vote of gratitude to all the Lions who participated in making this year’s Basket Bingo a success.
It is events like this that brings the Lions together; to work together and to have fun together! Thank you!