The Clarksburg Branch Lions of Damascus Club recently had a Membership table at the “Kites over Clarksburg” event. “March for Membership” was the Lions theme. Lions’ information and upcoming community events were on display. Interested potential members were given key chain eyeglasses. Lion Chris Fletcher, Coordinator Lion Joann Woodson, Lion “Tuck” Woodfield and Zone Chair Lion Eloise Woodfield talked with visitors, explaining the many ways, both men & women can help by giving back to the community. Letting everyone know that as Lions “WE SERVE”, and the word TEAM, means “together everyone achieves more”.
Attending this event was a very worthwhile way to get potential New Members, and a great way of spreading Lionism with a personal touch.
Lion Chris was flying high with excitement as the Chairperson for this membership drive in Clarksburg. Way to go Lions.