The Damascus Lions Club participated in the 2nd Annual Damascus Heritage Day that was held on Sunday, Sept. 20, 2009.
The weather was beautiful, the various vendors delightful, the Turkey Shoot interesting, the music provided by local musicians was wonderful and loud, and the Lions that participated had a great time.
I wish to thank Lion Tuck Woodfield for his assistance in setting up the tent for the Lion’s display. I wish to thank Lions Marcia Holpuch; who should be recognized for being the “Greenest Lion” there by peddling her bike to the event, Lion Ann Davis, Lion Frank Burlas, Lion Joy Schwab and Lion Tom Jackson for their help and assistance with the Lions’ booth. We had several people inquire into our service activities where upon we supplied brochures and membership information. The “Golden Lion Star” goes to Lion Ann Davis for her efforts in selling our “Papa John Fundraiser Cards”; she sold 10 through out the day and she also sold tickets for the upcoming Basket/Pottery Bingo. Well done Lion Ann! And I wish to thank KL Mary Frances and Lion Joy for putting together the information sheets and posters that were displayed in our booth. It looked great. I must add that a good time was had by all!
Thanks again for those that came out and hung out and worked at the Lions Booth.