We had a beautiful day for the Damascus Lions Club Flea Market Fund Raiser and attendance was good despite our new location this year. I wish to thank IPP Eloise and Lion Tucky Woodfield for their help in attending meetings in connection with the Celebrate Damascus Days; their help in setting up the vendor spots on Friday and their help before the event.
I wish to thank KL Mary Frances for her help setting up the vendor spots on Friday and her assistance all day Saturday during the event.
I also wish to thank the following Lions for their assistance in getting up early Saturday morning and to the commuter parking lot to assist vendors signing in and locating their spots and in directing them to the vendor parking:
Secretary Ken Phillips, Lion Tony Barry, Lion Wayne Marr, Lion Mike Thornett, Lion Tom Jackson, Lion Warren Schwab.
For those Lions that helped man the Gazebo and handing out membership information and answering questions and for helping clean the grounds afterwards:
KL Mary Frances Gosnell, Lion Joy Schwab, Lion Midge Tench, Lion Ann Davis, Lion Gary Rogers, Lion Barbara Barry, Lion Charlie Stone, Lion Carol Stone, Lion Lee Sellers, Lion Bill Mahylis and a brief appearance by Lion Jennifer Warfield.
Also I wish to thank those Lions that where unable to attend and those that did attend that made money contributions to help make the Flea Market Fund Raiser a success this year.
Special thanks goes to the Clarksburg Branch of the Damascus Lions Club for their donation of the Portable Potty at the Flea Market