By Lions Mary Frances Gosnell and KL Joy Schwab
The Lions Pancake Breakfast started early Saturday morning, October 15th, with the kitchen crew hard at work cooking sausage, frying potatoes, making scrambled eggs, mixing up and baking the pancakes plus the coffee, orange juice and hot apples. And an eager group of ticket holders waited for their time to devour the scrumptious feast. The attendants in the dining room hurried to get the last minute things on each table and set up their working stations. Clarksburg High School and Rocky Hill Middle School Leos were on hand doing an excellent job of serving coffee and clearing and resetting the tables. Boys Scout Troop 445 were also on the job!
The Bake Table was festive with lots of homemade goodies, Autumn crafty items and Halloween treats! Thanks to all who shared their baking and their creativity!
Thanks to Chairman King Lion Joy Schwab. Lion Warren Schwab and Lion Sue Suddath for taking the lead to make it happen. The breakfast came up with a profit from ticket sales of $1.399.56, Bake Table $318.95 for a total profit of $1,718.51. Thanks to the numerous Lions, partners-in-service, family members and friends who worked not only on Saturday but several days ahead to make the Autumn Pancake Breakfast a successful project. And thanks to those Lions who avidly went out and presold tickets.