By Lion Tessie Gladhill
On Thursday Evening July 10 – It rained and all of the dedicated Lions that showed up to mark off Flea Market Spaces stayed until the lighting hit to close for comfort.
Thanks for the help Lions Tom Jackson, Jack Peters, Ken Cook & King Lion Barbara. Thanks again to Lion Tom for the use if the trusty Tape to measure the spaces.
Saturday morning July 12th a little damp in the air but looked to be a good day for the Flea Market. Thanks to the following Lions for their help at the Lion’s booth – Gary, Anne, Pasty, Marcia H, M-Francis G. Thanks to Lion M Car, Anne D, Sandy G, Ken P and any other Lions I may have missed for the Donations to the Lion Booth.
When all was said and done at the end of the day we had a total of $889.00 It broke down like this Space Rent at the church yard $480.00- Space Rental & Donations at the Damascus Motor Car Cruise $140.00- a total of $25.00 from flea market sales and $18.00 from Lions Pins of the Duvalls. Thanks again for all the help from you Lions I know I could not have done it without you.