By Lion Tony Barry, Chair
On Saturday morning, February 20, 2016, eight (8) members of the Damascus Lions club and one volunteer in service participated in a trash cleanup of Valley Park Drive. The Lions Club “Adopted” the one mile stretch of Valley Park Drive between Ridge Road (Rt 27) and Woodfield Road (RT 124) as part of the Montgomery County Adopt A Road (AAR) program. Montgomery County has posted signs on our adopted roadway which clearly identify the DAMASCUS LIONS CLUB as being responsible for the roadway. The signs are excellent publicity for the Lions club and one of them is clearly visible from busy Rt 27. Part of our responsibility is to perform a road cleanup six (6) time per year, and to report to the county after each cleanup, identifying how many volunteers we had and how much trash we picked up. The AAR chair, Lion Tony, has sent the report to the county informing them that we picked up five (5) large garbage bags of trash. The following lions participated in the event on Saturday morning: Lion Daniel A. (Tony) Barry (AAR Chairman), Lion Del Mayhew, Lion Tom Jackson, Lion Bob Snapp, Lion Wayne Marr, Lion Joe Howerton and his son Ben, Lion Warren Schwab, and Lion Ray Molesworth
The weather was beautiful and the recently melted snow revealed a lot of interesting trash items on the roadway, including an office chair, a mattress and an unopened can of Stella Artois beer. Fun was had by all.
Our next scheduled road cleanup will happen in the Spring.