by Lion Charlie Hertel
Dear Fellow Lions,
Yes, it is ground hog day all over again:)
Do you remember the movie where Bill Murray goes to bed and then wakes up and the same thing happens every day? Well this is what I feel like. Every Tuesday, Senior Day, it seems to rain at the Montgomery County Fair.
On Tuesday August 12th 2014 it was no exception.
I feel so bad for our seniors. Busses were canceled all over the area to bring them to us. Some did brave the elements that day to come out to the Montgomery County Agricultural Fair and get a scoop of ice cream. Some were not going to miss out on all the freebies. We made it work by setting up tables in the dairy barn. We had young men with mops keeping the floors dry and advising of wet surfaces under foot.
The Damascus Lions that came to help really stepped up and did a great job. I can’t thank them enough for making it all work out that day. The Leo’s and partners in service did awesome even when we had too many volunteers. Everyone got along so well. We had no age issues with our middle school kids. Everyone was 16 or older, isn’t that great!! We had over 65 volunteers who worked over 366 hours.
I would like to thank Rockville Lions Tom and Stephen Bennetts for stepping up all week and running the Ice Cream Parlor for the Lions Clubs, along with Tom’s wife for doing the laundry every day. They did a great job.
There are a few other people I would like to thank for making our day a success dipping ice cream go smoothly. Damascus Lions were responsible for Saturday July 26, 2014 to come in and get the dairy barn ready for fair week. Lion Bob S. and Lion Tammy H. along with a partner-in-service Anna Scheiffer worked all morning cleaning and painting, as well as Ivaylo for stocking the freezers on Wednesday night with me.
I would like to personally thank all the Lions that came out and helped. If I didn’t mentioned your name we still appreciated all your help. The clubs combined collected nearly 70,000 of which we collected only $3,400.00 on our day.
It is estimated that our Lions Club will bring in somewhere around $2,100.00 for our single day at the fair.
What a great job we all did!!!
Thank you mark on your calendars Tuesday August 11, 2015 this is next year’s Ice Cream Dipping. See you There!!
Pray for better weather in 2015
Thank You,
Charlie Hertel
Ice Cream Coordinator
(301) 353-0424