I was looking at my first acceptance speech, I spoke of my Fore mothers and what kind of President I might evolve into. Well, 3 years later, I think I just evolved in to being me. As a teacher I am familiar with different teaching strategies. In most traditional classrooms the teacher is the central figure, the “Sage on the stage”, the one who has the knowledge and transmits that knowledge to her students. The Students are passive learners rather than active ones. In contrast, the more contemporary teacher functions as the “guide on the side” by facilitating learning in less directive ways. As King Lion I think I have evolved into the “Guide on the side”. Thanks to you, we have increased the number of our preschool vision screenings. We have resurrected the High Way Committee. We even have a new community service, our Damascus Shred. Let’s hope it continues in the years to follow. Of course we still have our successful fund raisers such as our Golf Tournament, pancake breakfasts and White Cane. The idea behind being Guide on the Side is that it should not involve one person acting on another, but rather people working with each other. I believe we’ve done that well these past 3 years.
I just want to say “Thank you” my fellow Lions for the honor of serving in the proud tradition as King Lion. I hope my motto continues on and the Damascus Lions will always Appreciate, Believe & Care and Remember, “We Serve”