Monies solicited from the public in support of our various charitable activities cannot be used for internal administrative cost of the club. Each year, club members are asked to donate goods or services and we hold an “In-House Auction” to raise funds to help cover these administrative costs. This keeps our club dues more reasonable!! To prevent our dues rate from increasing, your participation in the auction is VERY important to the club.
All members are encouraged to make a donation and attend the auction. Be creative! Some examples of past donated items include: homemade baked goods, computer lessons, turkey dinner tickets, gift cards, an evening of dinner at home, dinner out, airport shuttles, handcrafted items, use of rototiller or truck, snow blowing service, firewood, beach house or condo time, airplane rides, antiques, collectibles, athletic event tickets, telephone installation, auto detailing, yard work, lottery tickets, liquor, furniture, jewelry, clothes, musical instruments, books and bric-a-brac ~ your imagination is the limit. This is a marvelous time to unload that holiday present you weren’t so excited to receive. Items can be either new or used, tangible or virtual.
Even if you will be out of town we can still sell your item for the benefit of the club. Cash donations to the club treasury are also accepted.
Schedule of events:
- February 20 / March 6 Meetings – Donation forms available at the meeting.
- March 17 – All donation forms need to be submitted (or email) so sales flyer can be prepared.
- Cancelled! March 20 Meeting – (Auction Night) Bring your goods to be sold. Spouses are very welcome to join us. If you need help with transporting your item(s) to the meeting, just let us know.
- Rescheduled In-House Auction will now be held during the April 3 Meeting
Last minute items are welcome but won’t appear in printed handout at Auction, so please try to get your information to us so we can prepare a list of items to be sold.
Submit forms to Marcia Holpuch 240-380-9405 at the March 6th meeting or as soon as you can. Final deadline by phone, mail or email is March 17th to allow time to compile the auction listing. You can also send an email indicating your donation to Marcia at If you need help transporting your item(s) to the meeting, just give a shout and we’ll help you out! Organs cannot be transported