June wraps up the year for me as your President, King Lion of the Damascus Lions Club. It’s been a special year for me and I have enjoyed the challenges that I have experienced.
In the month of May on Tuesday the 5th we held our annual Lions Youth Night at the Damascus UM church. We provided cash awards to many youth organizations. This will help them to do projects and activities in the local communities. My thanks go to Lion Ray Molesworth for doing the program for the meeting.
May was also a time to do our spring White Cane fundraiser. Lions participated by collecting in the community and raised a total of $1,645.62. This includes $139.96 from the Clarksburg Branch. Citizens in both Damascus and Clarksburg surrounding areas were very generous helping us with supporting this worthy fundraiser. Thanks to all that collected and to Lions Wayne Marr and Mike Bowersox for making arrangements for setting up at the different locations. On May 17th-20th six people from the Club of Damascus attended the Multiple 22-C Convention, Lions Secty. Tuck Woodfield, PDG Jim and Mary Belcher, VP Mary Frances Gosnell, Asst. Lion Tamer Martin Carr and myself, President KL. Eloise Woodfield. all headed for Dover Delaware. What a treat.
I had a chance to meet and greet the International President Lion Al Brandel and his spouse, Dr. Maureen Murphy as they arrived at the Dover Downs Hotel. Both spoke at meetings and were with us at other activities during their time at the convention. They are exceptional individuals and a pleasure to know {a real down to earth couple} doing a job well done, “WE SERVE”
Our club received two awards, the Five Star award, for 100% achievements and 3rd in collection of eye glasses, a total of 4,568 pairs and 24 hearing aids.
Memorial Day at the American Legion on Sunday May 24th was a beautiful afternoon where we remembered our heroic fellows. Lions attended and Lion Tuck and I presented a basket of Red, White and Blue flowers from the Damascus Lions Club remembering the beloved fellows from the area. The Lions Memorial Day Parade was held in the Nations Capital on Monday May 25th. Lions carried club banners making a sea of purple, thanks to Lions Marcia and John Holpuch, Damascus Lions were represented by their club banner in the parade. It was wonderful to see everyone coming together to celebrate our American Heroes.
Don’t forget the annual lions Golf tournament on June 8th. Thanks to Lions John, Bobbie Warfield, and Mike Thornett. It will be another successful day. Come join us.
We had a very good year, I will tell you more at the Installation Night to be held on June 16th. This will take place at the American Legion building with dinner and new officers being inducted by PDG Mike Bleything.
June 2nd, tonight as we enjoy our Lions picnic meeting at the home of lions Charlie and Tammy Hertel, Lion Gary Bellison will be cooking and side dishes will be provided by Lions and partners in service for us to enjoy. Thanks to everyone. The Program for the evening is, “Eat Plenty/ Fellowship” and Remember, Lions “together we can make it happen…. and “WE DID”
Thanks for a GREAT year!
President, King Lion Eloise Woodfield