”Take me out the ballgame, buy me some……..”
The Damascus Lions had a warm, humid, but a slight breeze on Thursday, July 20, to sit and watch another exciting winning ballgame in the shade, right behind the batter. Best seats in the house. The Frederick Keys started out 1 run behind in the 1st inning, but took off from there ending with an 8 to 2 win against the Wilmington Blue Rocks. A member of the club mentioned that the Barry’s again left before the 2 run homer by the keys at the end, missing the final excitement of the game.
We had only 10 actual lions, but the family and friends showed up to make a total of 40. All in all there were hot dogs, popcorn, beer, water, burgers, ice cream, snow cones, and a fun evening for a night out. Hope you can join us next year. The First 1000 attendees got flashlight keychains. Did any Lion get one? And remember, if you went to the game and received a ball bank from Potomac Edison, please fill that for your retirement :).
Lion Tessie Gladhill