Welcome to our new Lion members, Lions Joseph Hutchinson, Rick Kendall, Jennifer Ralph, Charles Grimes and Ulfat Ashraf,. These lions were inducted into the lions club by VDG Lion Robert Disinger of District 22-W at our recent dinner meeting. Lion Dis-inger presented an orientation to members and wished everyone success as lions “WE SERVE”. My thanks to VDG Bob and Lion Eileen for coming to help with this unique and informative ceremony.
On April 9th Lions Dave Davidson, Tuck Woodfield and I delivered eyeglasses and hearing aids to the LCOF office in Lanham, MD.
Thanks go to Lion Carol Stone, the BIG BAND DANCE was a HUGE event. The weather was perfect and one hundred fifty two people enjoyed meeting, greeting, and eating as the band played a variety of music for listening or dancing. Thank you, Lion Gary Bellison for allowing us to advertise this event at Tom and Ray’s at each table with a stand up display of information about the dance.
All on the same day, LCOF asked Lion and Leo volunteers to help with the first time, Health Fair to be held at the Faith Community Church in Clarksburg with vision and hearing screenings. Thanks to Lions Joann Woodson, Chris Fletcher, Tuck Woodfield, KL Eloise Woodfield, Ann Davis, Dave Davidson, Marcia Holpuch, Midge Tench, Su Huang, and Stephanie Huang, the day was a success.
Another event was also held at the Damascus Recreation Center where Baseball Opening Day was held this year. Lion Linda Panagolis (Damascus Recreation Center Director) asked that Lions setup a display to let the public be aware of the good work Lions do for the communities in the area. Lions Gary Rogers, Joy Schwab, Marcia Holpuch, Ann Davis, and KL Eloise were there to support the Recreation Center with this event for the first time at this location. Lions were busy up and down the road to make all these activities happen. Thanks for your time and efforts to make this all take place in one day.
Keeping in mind that MOTHER’S DAY is May 10th, our second dinner/meeting was a theme centered around Mommy, Mom, or Mother. Lion Marcia Holpuch {mother} and Lion John Holpuch {son} portrayed this real life family couple. Lion Marcia was dressed as a loving and caring mother with son John by her side, wearing a diaper and carrying a baby bottle. She carried a basket of packaged spring flower seeds that were given out to everyone attending. Thanks mom and baby Holpuch for making this occasion a time of fun and laughs. King Lion, Eloise told some history facts about Mothers Day and how it began.
Guest Carol Glover Richards gave a demonstration on how to make a centerpiece from flowers in your yard. Carol of “Carols Creations” gave us tips and ideas as we watched flowers turn into a beautiful arrangement. At the end of the meeting a drawing was held, and the centerpiece was won by Lion Rick Kendall.
District 22 C Night in Waldorf, MD was held, ten Lions attended this delightful affair. We were honored with having the Lions International Director, Edward J. Lecius and Elaine on that evening. Our own District Governor Paul Hawkins and Dee were recognized for a terrific year. Congratulations to all.
We had a wonderful meal and the 22-C youth band provided lovely music for our pleasure. Making us Proud were three students from Damascus that received scholarships. {Just a note of info} Lion Charlie Holpuch helps oversee the youth and makes sure everything is in order that evening, “thank you for making this happen, Lion Charlie.” Lion Joy Schwab was “Our Everyday Hero” chosen by the club members and was among other Lions that were rewarded for their devotion of receiving the title “Everyday Hero” for the year, “this was well deserved, Lion Joy”.
Starting into May we have several things, Youth Night is planned for the meeting on May 5th, at DUMC, come, see and hear what our youth do in the communities.
White Cane weekend is on May 1, 2, and 3 for the Clarksburg Branch Club. Locations for collecting are at the Clarksburg store and Giant in Milestone Center.
White Cane Days are May 6-9th at Damascus Businesses around the town.
I would like to Thank Rev. Bruce Davidson for the generous donation to the Lions in honor of his brother, Lion Dave, for his birthday, “A grand way to say Happy Birthday”.
On Sat. April 25th Lion Del Mayhew gave out flea market flyers at the Mt. Airy Lions yard sale, to vendors letting them know about the Damascus Lions Flea market at Celebrate Damascus, my “THANKS” to Lion Del for helping and wearing his walking shoes.
Relay for Life will take place again this year, Lions will be handing out healthy snacks to walkers on May 2nd. Remember a loved one and volunteer some time at this worthwhile event.
Don’t forget the Lions Convention May 17-20th at Dover, Del. We have six going this year from the club. Lions from District 22 will be meeting together to ex-change ideas and learn about how “WE SERVE”
On May 19th, in my absence, I have asked VP Lion Charlie Stone to fill in my position as President while I am attending the convention, representing Damascus lions. I will miss being with you, “give Lion Charlie your support.”
Remember… Lions “together we can make it happen”
President King Lion Eloise Woodfield