Our club manned the Mobile Health Unit on Thursday of the fair. We had 15 clients doing 32 different screenings. The unit has vision screening, hearing screening, eye pressure reading and preschool vision screening capabilities. Several of our clients were referred and encouraged to see a professional as they did not meet the requirements as set forth in our screening information.
Lions John Washington and Ray Molesworth worked the first shift, followed by Lions Chris Fletcher and Bob Newlin. Lions Del Mayhew and Mary Frances Gosnell did the last shift and closed up the unit. We worked a total of 25 hours and some of our Lions walked over a mile to get from the parking lot to the unit!!
This mobile health unit is owned by our District thru the Lions Community Outreach Foundation. It can be used at community functions. Should you know of a function in our area where we can share this information and be of service, contact Lion Del or Lion Mary Frances.
Lions Community Outreach Foundation (LCOF) processes the used eye glasses that we collect, cleans and calibrates them before sending off to Third World Countries. LCOF also collects used hearing aids for the University of Maryland Hearing and Speech Clinic. Our club gets credit for all the eye glasses and hearing aids that we collect.
Lion Mary Frances Gosnell