The Fall Pancake Breakfast and Bake/Craft Table event was held Saturday, October 17, from 7-11am at Damascus United Methodist Church Dining Room. On Friday, October 16, Bob Newlin, George Hibbard, Bill Mahylis, Dave Davidson and Warren Schwab set up the Dining Room ready for Saturday morning. Carol Richards of Carol’s Creations brought flowers for the tables.
Early Saturday morning the food and drinks were prepared. This included the pancakes, sausage, biscuits, creamed chipped beef, home fries, scrambled eggs, hot apples, orange juice, coffee and hot tea. Bake/Craft items arrived; we were ready. The ticket count of those served was 215. This was less than usual, but those who came enjoyed the food and time spent together. Those helping were Lions Barbara and Tony Barry, Fran Burlas, Ann Davis, Bernie Duplan, Chris Fletcher, Charlie and Tammy Hertel, Su Huang, Tom Jackson, Bill Mahylis, Jerry Mallak, Ray Molesworth, Bob Newlin, Jack Peters, Ken Phillips, Gary Rogers, Dee and Rusty Reichmeider, Warren Schwab, Bob Snapp, Roy Stanley, Midge Tench, Bobbie Warfield, Eloise and “Tuck” Woodfield; Volunteers David McReynolds and Stephanie Huang; Leos Silvia Argueta, Elizabeth Barry, Casey Brown, Natalie Dagher, Keith Dalven, Natalee and Roseryn Jarintra, Caitlin Jones and Joseph Rogers.
The Bake/Craft Table received donations from Ann Davis, Tess Gladhill, Mary Frances Gosnell, Irene Hardy, Viola Hibbard, Marcia Holpuch, Su Huang, Helen Mahylis, Jennifer Molesworth, Fran Peters, Sue Phillips, Carol Richards, and Joy Schwab. The profit was $227.
Lions Joy Schwab and Sue Suddath thank each and every one of you for your help. Reminder: There will be another one in March 2010. We hope you will be able to help.
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