By Lion Ken Phillips
On May 12, preschool vision screening was conducted at Damascus United Methodist Church in the Pleasant Plains Preschool Center. During a two-hour period, 14 students aged from 4 to 6 were screened with one child being referred for additional revaluation. This screening was done with a new camera that examines both eyes at the same time and identifies possible vision problems. Lions Julie Sain, Fran Burlas and Woody Ward supported this effort.
On May 19, Lions Julie and Woody joined me to screen children at the Montgomery Methodist Children Center. It was a much busier morning with the screening of 38 students. In the afternoon, 5 more students were screened. Of these 43 children, 5 were referred for further evaluation.
Thanks go out to Lions Julie, Fran and Woody for helping with this effort. Additional screening may be scheduled at other preschool and daycares in the community in the future. If any Lions want the help with these screening, let me know and you can be trained to use the camera or work with the paperwork.