Happy April 1st and Happy Spring!
As I am typing this (Sunday at 3 pm) it is SNOWING! Even the teacher has had enough of snow. In case you haven’t heard yet, King Lion and First Husband have chickens (chicks). They are a month old and we just moved them to the garage- now I’m a nervous hen worrying her babies might be too cold.
Saturday, March 29, six Damascus Lions attended the 22C Advisory Meeting, this time it was close to home at the Montgomery County Fairgrounds. I want to thank those who attended, Treasurer Tony, Secretary Ken, Membership Chair Chris, 22C Honors Band Marcia and Charlie Holpuch. Our next District event will be officer training on May 17 – if you are an incoming officer, mark your calendar!
Our March pancake breakfast appeared to be a huge success from my vantage point. I was able to do some Lion networking and I filled many committees for next year. I will continue to bring my committee signup sheets to the next few meetings so feel free to put your name down for many committees. We still need to find a chair person for Blood Drives, Highway Cleanup and Publicity.
In April we have our District’s 22C Night. This night honors our district Governor, Dee Hawkins. That evening will also honor one of our own, our Dream Maker Lion Joy. If you’d like to attend see Lions Marcia or Charlie Holpuch. We also have our 2 regular dinner meetings in April. I have an exciting meeting planned for April 1st. My guest speakers are a Montgomery County Public School Vision teacher and a visually impaired student of mine. Plus we will have our essay contest winner, Jacob Wood read his essay. I am also planning on presenting a check to Rob Hyman, the Damascus High School teacher who asked for our support to help purchase his autistic son a service dog.
A few events to keep in mind, we have White Cane in May and our Golf Tournament in June. I know there are plenty of ways to help out with each event. We will celebrate our youth night on May 20 at DUMC. The following “meeting” will be our annual picnic – any suggestions for a venue? Our Installation night will be June 17 at the Golden Bull in Gaithersburg.
Like I always say, keep your fellow Lions in your thoughts and prayers. If you haven’t seen a member at a meeting in a while, give them a call. One of the best parts about being a Lion is fellowship. So please Appreciate, Believe in and Care for your Lion family.
Take Care!
KL Barbara