An African proverb tells us, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”
Working together. That’s the Lion way. During this season of giving, we are quite busy working together and thankful to be in a place where we can help others. We will go far.
Last month, we delivered Thanksgiving meals to 30 families. And this month we will do it again, and then some, with Christmas gifts for all. Thanks to all the Lions who contributed to these two major projects. From the food collectors, sorters, packers and shoppers to the delivery teams and clean up crew, the donation collector and the donors, it takes a lot of hands to accomplish these tasks. Thanks, too, for taking the name of a child and getting their gift. To a family that is struggling during these times, your generosity helps make their holiday a better day. Our holiday basket coordinator, Lion Mary Frances Gosnell, along with her core team of “elves,” spends the better part of November and December making sure we are ready to roll. Thank you all for your time and effort.
I recently received our report from LCOF on our eyeglass donations. Thru the end of November, we have collected over 500 pairs of glasses! Much thanks go to our eyeglass collection Lions, Shyue & Su Huang and Lion Del Mayhew who is our representative to LCOF and gets the donated glasses into the system. Your work brings sight to literally hundreds of people… think about it!
We continue our vision mission locally, with Lion Midge Tench screening requests for eye exams and glasses. The number of requests has increased this year and we are grateful for Midge’s work in this area. It’s not always easy to determine the level of need for such requests and Midge does an outstanding job. Thank you Lion Midge!
The Red Cross terminated our blood drive last month due to stink bugs. Yes, you read that right, there were too many stink bugs in the activity building for them to continue to collect blood. Living out here in “the country,” it never occurred to me that there would be such a criteria, but there you have it. Fortunately, a mouse did not run across the floor, too. Thank you, Lion Charlie Hertel for not injuring any of the Red Cross staff. Thank you to all the Lions who came and helped to set up and make the blood drive one of our top projects. New Lion Ken Cook will be our new face for the blood drives. Our next drive is scheduled for Monday, January 17th, Martin Luther King Day. Working together, we are not about to be derailed by stink bugs… or the Red Cross.
The weather has turned cold here on us and has slowed progress on the skate park. It is nearly done, with the surface material still to be installed on the equipment; we may see it open later this month. Keep your eyes peeled for the announcement on the ribbon cutting ceremony.
Our schedule for the month of December is not normal. We will have our regular dinner meeting on the 7th at Wesley Grove, and then our Christmas party will be the following week on the 14th at Damascus United Methodist. The board meeting will be on the 21st at Gladhill Bros. This change was made to facilitate the holiday delivery schedule. Please see the timeline for that project in the newsletter.
We accomplish so much together! May you also enjoy your holiday with family and friends this season. Be safe, stay warm and love with all your heart.
Yours in Service,
King Lion Marcia