Happy Blizzard 2016 Damascus Lions!
Is everyone plowed out by now? As I am writing this, I am home on my 5th day due to the snow. The big question is, will Montgomery County open for Friday only? And we have Ground Hog day just around the corner, will we have MORE snow days!
I know it’s cold and dark and many of you would rather stay home where it is warm, but please try to attend our dinner meetings. We have some good speakers lined up and I think it’s one of the best meals in town. See you on February 2 and 16.
January was a pretty slow month. I think the Damascus Lions Club made a good appearance at the NBC 4 Health Fitness Expo on January 9. Those attended were Lion Wayne, Ken P., Marcia, Chris, Charlie Hertel, Jerry, Mike, Tony and myself. It was a busy morning consisting of a metro ride to the convention center, performing eye screenings and escorting the Lion around to all of the exhibits. Then we ended the day with lunch at Red, Hot and Blue!
Later that afternoon, Lion Tony and his crew took down the Holiday Wreaths. I guess the holidays are officially over.
March will be here soon. Don’t forget about our in house auction the day before St. Patrick’s Day. Start planning (or creating) your items to sell. This is our biggest club fund raiser and it keeps our dues to a minimum. See Lion Marcia with auction ideas or items. Please try to attend AND bring a guest or two. It is always a fun night.
If you have any ideas for guest speakers please share them with me or Lion Marcia. Perhaps there is a topic of concern you would love to hear more about at a Lions meeting.
Even though it’s cold and we’re stuck inside don’t forget about the Damascus Lions club – Please remember to Appreciate, Believe in and Care for your fellow Lions.
Happy Valentine’s Day
KL Barbara