The Damascus Lions Club is starting the 2013- 2014 year in full gear! We have many activities planned throughout the summer so read the Lions Tale and check email often to stay in touch.
I hope everyone had as much fun at Installation Night as I did. It was great having PDG Gary Burdette induct our many new members and install the 2013 – 2014 officers. My guess is IPP John was the only one in the room more excited than I was! Thank you again, John for your excellent job as King Lion.
At our summer picnic Mary Frances and I took orders for Lions Polo shirts. Well, they are here and look great (I should have ordered a gold one!). Now I’m thinking of a group photo – perhaps at one of our meetings in September we can all wear our polo’s and pose for a Damascus Lions Group photo.
I’m sorry to say I won’t be at the Keys Game but First VP Carol will be there. I’m taking my daughters to Italy as a graduation gift.
Remember to attend the Damascus Days Parade on Friday July 12. We will have our usual handsome tractor driver, Lion Tony and KL Me will be in the Lion suit (unless someone else REALLY wants to wear it). The theme is the “Great Outdoors” so I’m thinking “Camping/Cookout”. So far the Lion will be in an apron cooking over a grill. Does anyone want to lend us a tent or other camping/cook out gear?? Then on Saturday we have two big events, a pancake breakfast and flea market. Please try to attend one of these events as they are fundraisers for our club. See Lion Joy and/or Lion Tess to sign up!
I know this will be a busy year for me so any suggestions on how to make things easier would be appreciated. Lion Marcia has always done a great job finding speakers at our meetings. If you have any suggestions for programs or speakers please mention it to me or Lion Marcia. We’d love to have your input.
I hope you remember my motto from Installation night, The ABC’s of Lions. Appreciate yourself and others, Believe in yourself and others and Care for yourself and others. We are the best Lions Club and I know Lion Tony and I feel like you are our second family. I hope we can spend a little more time spreading the ABC’s of Lions!
Thanks! KL Barbara