Greetings Damascus Lions!
The weather is still so cold but the schools have used up their snow days so hurry up warm weather!
As spring starts the Lions come out of hibernation and move into another busy year. First we start off with our election of officers. The actual election will be in April, but this month we will be picking new officers for next year. See any of the past presidents, Lions John, Vicki or Marcia if you wish to hold an office or if you wish to be removed from an office. Also now is a good time to think about what committees you would like to be on for next year.
On March 15 we have our pancake breakfast. Most of us typically participate in this big fundraiser. We have our favorite task and we all do it well. I know Lion Joy can use some more help during the week preparing for this event. See Lion Joy if you can help out. Also don’t forget to sell Pancake Breakfast tickets and to tell your friends and neighbors to attend. We always serve the best food. I love the potatoes!
The second meeting of the month is our in house auction on March 18. This is a great time to do a little spring cleaning and donate anything you no longer want or need. Maybe you would like to do a little cooking instead. Homemade goodies (cakes, pies, cookies, candy, jams & jellies) all bring in the big bucks at our auction. Perhaps you’d rather just visit your favorite “spirits” store. Those spirited gifts probably sell the best. Don’t forget we love to buy tickets to sporting events, weekends at the beach, limo services, the use of a truck, etc. See Lion Marcia with your list of donations.
I want to personally thank Lion Martin for stepping up as “guest” speaker last month when my Camp Merrick speaker had to cancel. If any of you have a topic you’d like to talk about at a Lions meeting AND can be prepared in short notice, please let me know. We also had Lion Sandy Gill speak earlier this year.
Unfortunately every week we have a long list of Lions who need our thoughts and prayers. We continually need to think of our fellow Lions even when we are not at a Lion event. Remember, we are like your second family. I’m sure some of them would appreciate a card or a visit or even a home cooked meal. As always remember to Appreciate, Believe in and Care for your fellow Lions.
Happy Holidays!
KL Barbara