April showers bring May flowers.
I’m not sure where this little saying comes from, but if there’s any truth to it at all, we’re headed for a lovely, colorful May, for we’ve certainly had our share of April showers.
It rained on April 14th and it poured on April 16th, but for the opening of the Skate Park on April 15 the sun was shining. It was a wonderful, breezy, spring day and the Lions were at the Damascus Community Recreation Center to officially open the park. Many thanks to all who attended the ceremony. We will be getting a sign to indicate our support of the park and let the community know that the Lions are serving. There were many young people in attendance to enjoy the opening of the park ~ though I don’t think they were very interested in the speakers or the ceremony! The park will be open when the Rec Center is open. Extended park hours are available when there is a volunteer to open the gate and stay nearby. If you would like to volunteer to open the park, either on a regular or occasional basis, please talk with Lion Tom Didone. Drawn like moths to a light, when the gate is open, young people appear! What a great facility for the youth of Damascus. Thanks to all who helped to make this happen and your commitment to the future of the park.
Lions Gary Rogers, Carol & Charlie Stone, Vicki Dotterer, Mary Frances Gosnell and myself represented our club at the District year-end celebration in April. Our club was also well-represented with students in the Honors Band. Of 80 musicians, 19 of them were from Damascus and Clarksburg High Schools. The district scholarships were presented to the students with Clarksburg student Luis Rosales receiving a 2nd place scholarship, Damascus student Robert Williams a 1st place and Joshua Tsai was presented with the Outstanding Musician recognition and top scholarship. These students must commit to at least 2 years of participation in the Honors Band in order to be eligible to audition for a scholarship. Our congratulations go to these young people who have excelled at their instruments and bring music to our lives. The District Humanitarian Award was presented to the founding Director of Melwood, Earl Copus, Jr., who shared captivating stories of the founding and growth of Melwood. The keynote speaker, Past International Director Leland Kolkmeyer, was interesting as well. Overall, it was a better-than-usual 22-C Night! With the exception of the severe weather, it was a great evening.
As this year begins to come to a close, I am happy to report that we have completed the required number of visitations. With our April program on hearing, we have completed the requirements for the district 5-star award. The district awards lunch will be held on June 18th and all Lions are welcome to attend. Please let me know if you are interested in attending the luncheon.
The Multiple District convention is this month in Salisbury, MD. Attending a convention can be a great experience in learning and fellowship. Anyone who is interested in attending is encouraged to go. You can choose to attend any part of the convention. Lion Mary Frances has all the information you need and will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Congratulations to our new officers! As they gear up for the new year, let them know which projects you would like to be part of. We are looking for some new fund-raisers to take the place of the Big Band Dance and your ideas are so welcome.
Golf Tournament time is coming up quickly. We need many volunteers to help out for the day. We are at a new location this year, so there will undoubtedly be some changes. If you can be there to help, would like to sponsor a hole or just learn more about what you can do, please see Lions Bob Snapp, Mike Thornett or John Warfield. The golf tournament has been one of our biggest fundraisers and is important to the club in maintaining our ability to support our other activities in the community.
Our semi-annual White Cane Days are scheduled for the first week of May. If you haven’t already signed up for a shift, please see Lion Wayne Marr to get on his roster. White Cane funds make it possible for us to provide much needed help in the community for eye exams and eyeglasses.
We will be having our last blood drive before the summer break at the end of this month on the 23rd. The timing of this drive will help provide blood for the Memorial Day weekend. It also eliminates the scheduling conflicts with the Golf Tournament. We need volunteers to staff the registration area and the canteen on the day of the drive as well as phone volunteers to remind our donors and the Rec Center and a few other small projects. If you can help, just let me know.
The DVFD needs to replace the roof on the Activities Building on Lewis Drive. They are holding 2 events this spring to raise funds to support that cause and have asked for our help. The first event is a motorcycle ride on the 21st of May and the second is a bicycle ride on the 11th of June. We are supporting both events financially, but they also need volunteers on those days for a variety of duties. Of course, we want a nice, dry Activities Building, so do what you can to help! Polish up that Harley and register for the motorcycle ride or pump up your tires and register for the bike ride or simply sign up to lend a hand at either event or be really crazy and help out at both events!
I spoke with Lions Tuck & Eloise and Tuck continues to make good progress. He is still at Washington Hospital Center where they are now rather well-known! It is anticipated that he may be released to go home next week. Once he gets settled, they will welcome visitors who are not dressed in lab coats. We’ll let you know when he gets home so you can give them a call and schedule a visit.
Last month we enjoyed the presentation on running and climbing by our very own athlete, Pattu Durairaj, who has climbed mountains and run a marathon on every continent ~ and has the medal to prove it. What a fascinating accomplishment and we thank him for sharing his experiences with us. Tonight we honor and recognize the various youth organizations in the Damascus and Clarksburg areas. Our entertainment is a string quintet from Damascus High School. Lion Mary Frances has put together the program and we hope that you enjoy the evening.
Yours in Service,
King Lion Marcia