Happy May!
Looks like April showers brought the May flowers. As it is coming alive outside Lions go into “summer” mode. We actually only have one more meeting at “Home” on May 5.
Our next meeting is our annual Youth Night at Damascus United Methodist Church on May 19. It is usually a fun night with entertainment and good food so bring your spouse and come see what our youth are doing around the community.
Our picnic will be June 2 at Gladhill’s in Frederick. I’m looking forward to some home cooking and a tour of Buck’s tractors, engines and other toys!
Please let Bob Snapp or myself know if you are planning on attending our Installation night on June 16 at the Golden Bull in Gaithersburg.
Next week we also have our White Cane Days. Please help Wayne out by signing up at least one 2 hour shift. The weather should be perfect for standing outside and spreading the word of Lionism plus performing one of our biggest fund raisers.
Some of our members will be attending the District 22 C convention in Ocean City on May 18- 20. Hopefully they will have a good time and come back full of Lion news to share with us. This convention is the first time in many years that there are 2 candidates running for 2VDG. I can’t wait to see who wins.
Our next District event will be officer training on May 30 – if you are an incoming officer, mark your calendar!
Our committees look pretty well staffed however I will continue to bring my committee signup sheets to the next few meetings so feel free to put your name down for many committees. I think this year we need to focus on publicity. Maybe we all should be a part of that committee.
Our Golf Tournament is June 1. See Lion Bob Snapp to help out.
As we are heading in to “summer” mode don’t forget about Lions. There are plenty of Lion activities to keep us busy. And remember to keep your fellow Lions in your thoughts and prayers. If you haven’t seen a member at a meeting in a while, give them a call. One of the best parts about being a Lion is fellowship. So please Appreciate, Believe in and Care for your Lion family.
Take Care!
KL Barbara