Fall is in full swing. We have a cornucopia of projects coming up.
First, I would like to commend Lion Barbara Barry on her work to get the Clarksburg Leo’s Club up and running. This takes a lot of work and planning, but will be a big plus for us and Clarksburg. If all goes as planned, we will celebrate in January. Also, Lion Tony Barry should be back with us from helping in St. Thomas. A big thanks to Lion Tony for his work in helping others. Thank you to Lion Joy for our Fall Pancake Breakfast. We did it in spite of not having the new freezers. Thank you to Lion Wayne and his crew for White Cane.
Our next meeting is Nov 7th. If any of you would like to dress up for a late Halloween meeting, please do. We will have prizes for the best costume.
Please be safe on Halloween night and watch out for the children. We are entering the season of giving, let’s think of others who are not as well off as we are.
KL John