Well the summer flew by as expected. The Barry Family went on a several fun vacations, Italy, the beach and Disney! Lion Tony and I actually attended a District 22C Advisory Meeting on the day we returned from Orlando – we arrived at BWI airport, hopped in our car and drove to Temple Hills. It was a long day but the meeting was worth it.
Before our Disney trip I was able to work at the Lions Ice Cream Bar on Friday night. I was sad to miss the Damascus Lions Club’s ice cream dipping day, Tuesday. I always have fun on ice cream day. (I bet Lion Charlie Hertel and Lion Gary Rogers do not call it “fun”). I can’t wait to hear the final reports from ice cream; they say it was the best year ever. A special thanks goes out to all of you for your help.
I also want to thank our Lions for helping out with the Mobil Health Unit (the “eye bus”); Lions Ken, Julie and Bill and a bonus helper, Helen Mahylis on Monday and on Thursday Lions Chris, Sandy, Marcia, Del, Mary Frances and Joann helped out.
September 3 is our first meeting back “home” at Wesley Grove United Methodist Church. I hope every Lion wears their Lion’s polo shirt (a solid black or white shirt will suffice if you do not have a polo) so we can gather outside Wesley Grove for a group photo.
We are quickly approaching the Damascus Community Fair on September 6, 7 & 8. There will be plenty of events for Lions to attend from popping popcorn to taking entries and even making our own ice cream! More details and sign-up sheets to follow at our next meeting.
On Saturday, September 28 we are planning to do a preschool vision screening at McDonalds. We need to advertise at our local stores, banks, recreation center, preschools and day cares, etc. etc. If you can help out with this event please let Secretary Ken or myself know. This will be a great opportunity to provide the community with a valuable service while spreading the word of Lions.
Some people truly believe that the Damascus Lions Club is like their second family, I know I do. Please remind your fellow Lions of upcoming meetings and events. Also keep some of us in your prayers. Remember to Appreciate, Believe in and especially Care for our fellow Lions. Tail Twister Charlie and I have a new little “twist” starting in September so bring your dollars to the meeting – you will like this, I promise.
Have a great rest of the summer!
KL Barbara