Well the summer flew by as expected. I feel like I should be more rested. Tony and I took a cruise around Hawaii (no “kids”) and it was great. I believe it is a cruise the Stones have not been on! Then a month later we went to the Outer Banks and again, with no kids. I’m feeling the empty nest.
Damascus Days kept the Damascus Lions busy. Friday night many Lions helped out with the parade. This year I did not melt in the Lion suit because our number one helper, Erica volunteered to wear it! Saturday was another busy day with the flea market and the pancake breakfast. I think both events were well attended by Lions and customers.
The Keys game on July 20 was a blast. We had friends from Laytonsville and Rockville Lions there. This was the first year we had to stay ‘til the bitter end and the Keys did win in the last inning.
Lions Marcia, Chris, Mary Frances and myself attended a District 22C Advisory Meeting on Saturday August 15 in Temple Hills. It is a long drive but the meeting was worth it. Sonia Wiggins started off the meeting with a quick zone meeting.
One of my favorite days of the year is the Tuesday of the Montgomery County Fair when the Damascus Lions Club’s dip ice cream. The weather cooperated and we were BUSY. The seniors like to cash in their coupons for a free cone! I always have fun on ice cream day. I can’t wait to hear the final reports from ice cream; they say it was one of the better years. A special thanks goes out to all of you for your help.
I also want to thank our Lions for helping out with the Mobil Health Unit (the “eye bus”). Lion Sandy Gill did a great job of getting plenty of coverage for Thursday. Unfortunately some of us could not attend due to John Warfield’s funeral.
September 1 is our first meeting back “home” at Wesley Grove United Methodist Church. I hope every Lion wears their Lion’s polo shirt (a solid black or white shirt will suffice if you do not have a polo) so we can gather outside Wesley Grove for a group photo. It will be a busy night as we have some business to conduct and some ice cream to sample. Please try to attend this meeting.
We are quickly approaching the Damascus Community Fair on September 11, 12 & 13. There will be plenty of events for Lions to attend from popping popcorn to taking entries and even making our own ice cream! We will be doing a test run of ice cream making on Sunday August 30 at my house. We plan to make 2 or 3 different flavors so come on over, have some lunch and sample the ice cream.
Some people truly believe that the Damascus Lions Club is like their second family, I know I do. Please remind your fellow Lions of upcoming meetings and events. Also keep some of us in your prayers. Remember to Appreciate, Believe in and especially Care for our fellow Lions. Have a great rest of the summer!
KL Barbara