By Lion Wayne Marr, Chair
Damascus Lions: Congratulations! We raised $2,454.06 last month during our Spring White Cane fundraiser, including $444.20 collected at the Shred Fest of Saturday, May 7. Not including the Shred Fest receipts, we collected $2,009.86. Twenty-nine dedicated Damascus Lions performed storefront collections over thirty-one two-hour shifts. That’s the same number of Lions as last Fall, but seven fewer shifts, so this time we had fewer Lions who performed multiple shifts. We averaged $64.83 per shift, which is well above average. Every one of our participating Damascus Lions is to be commended for their contribution. Please visualize the word “Lion” in front of every name in this article. Otherwise, in order to pay the fines I would have to cancel a visit from my house-cleaning ladies (and they need the work!).
As always, special thanks go to our White Cane committee members who served as Managers of the Day and/or Money Counters: Ken Phillips, Del Mayhew, Tom Jackson, George Hibbard, and Vi Hibbard (Lion Spouse!).
Special Recognitions:
– Five Over-$100-in-One-Shift Club recognitions go to:
- Julie Sain, who collected $139.08 at Safeway on Wednesday afternoon;
- Barbara Barry, who collected $147.12 at Safeway on Thursday afternoon;
- Carol Stone, who collected $104.19 at Safeway on Thursday evening;
- Tom Jackson, who collected $100.67 at Safeway on Friday afternoon; and
- Jack Peters, who collected $109.26 at Safeway on Friday afternoon.
– The Bert Lahr Special Award for Most Courageous Lion goes to Chris Fletcher. Chris worked a total of three shifts to earn our fundraiser well over $200!
Special Notes:
- A nice lady at Safeway on Friday evening asked John Washington if he was too cold. Then a moment later, she brought out to him a hot chocolate from Starbucks!
- Despite having lost the use of one arm to a rotator cuff procedure the afternoon before,
- Lion George Hibbard worked his Saturday shift at Tom & Ray’s and then counted coins (with one hand!) later that afternoon.
- OK, whoever was responsible for scheduling the Shred Fest on the same day as our Saturday White Cane is to be commended! Can we do that again in all future years?
- Our experiment with Thursday and Friday lunchtime soliciting at the Hornet’s Nest was a failure. Despite a very busy restaurant, contributions were poor both days.
- Big Surprise – our one shift in front of the new Tom & Ray’s venue on Main St. was a success, providing over $88. This despite the fact that the restaurant sits very few patrons.Total Participants:
Here is the total list of Damascus Lions who gave of their time for one or more storefront collection shifts (multiple shifts in parentheses): B. Barry, Carr, Davis, Fletcher(3!), Gill, Gladhill, Gosnell, C. Hertel(2!), T. Hertel, Hibbard, M. Holpuch(2!), Howerton, Jackson, Marr, Mayhew, Molesworth, Newlin, Peters, Phillips, Sain, J. Schwab, W. Schwab, Snapp, Suddath, Ca. Stone, Ch. Stone(2!), Thornett, Warfield, Washington.